Friends of Arcadia wellcome to the Arcadia bookshop on 17th March

Dear friend of Arkadia, There is a special meeting at the bookshop Wednesday 17.3 at 6pm! Are you a poet in the broadest sense of the word? Are you interested in further refining and experimenting with how you write, present, and perform your work? Are you looking to establish yourself as a poet? Then would […]


“The Temptation of St. Tony” – Veiko Õunpuu’s Ethics of Everyday Life

10.2.2010 Carl-Dag Lige St.Tony (Taavi Eelmaa) Estonian director Veiko Õunpuu has recently finished his third feature film “Püha Tõnu kiusamine” (“The Temptation of St. Tony”, Estonia-Sweden-Finland, Homeless Bob Productions, 2009). The black-and-white film had its premiere in October 2009 and has received controversial reception during the last months. As for the script, Õunpuu received the […]


HANKE KOKEELLISTEN TAITEIDEN NOMADISEKSI AKATEMIAKSI järjestää Kiertolainen 3 min super8 -elokuvan esitys Apollo 11 -kuulennosta (soundtrack vinyylilevyltä avaruusäänin) Harakan saaressa (taiteilijatalon auditorio, ylempi kerros) Maanantaina 20.7.2009 klo 19.15 Kaivopuiston rannasta Harakkaan lähtevän yhteysveneen (meno-paluu n. 3 e) aikataulut: ks. myös “The Map is the Territory” (G. Willow Wilson: Air) Paikalle tulijoita pyydetään varustautumaan […]

The American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-journal (ASAGE) Call for papers

Call for Papers: American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-journal Fall 2009 / Winter 2010 Issue: Deadline Sept. 1, 2009 The American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-journal (ASAGE) is now accepting high caliber work by graduate students in aesthetics and the philosophy of art for its Fall 2009 / Winter 2010 issue. Submissions should not normally […]

MODELS AND FICTION , Helsinki Collegium May 27th

Workshop, Wednesday, May 27th, Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24, Seminar room 136 Programme: 9.30-10.30 ROMAN FRIGG (LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS): Fiction and scientific representation 10.30-11.30 TARJA KNUUTTILA (ACADEMY OF FINLAND): How does fiction help us understanding scientific models? The case of economic modeling 11.30-12.00 Coffee break 12.00-13.00 MICHAEL WEISBERG (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA): Models, […]

Light touches – Tickling discussions on photography and philosophy

10-11 June 2009 Starting on both days at 13.00 In Western culture, touching is articulated both corporeally and metaphorically. Its scope covers both mental and corporeal as well as social processes. As a domain of sense experience its status is ambivalent. In our knowledge-based society the sense of touch has been subordinated to ‘higher’ forms […]

Reflections of the documenta XII

The documenta exhibition was organized in Kassel for twelfth time this year. This festival of contemporary art is a spectacle, and it has also become a source of controversy for the local inhabitants. I can imagine, that getting into the limelight of art world every fifth year creates a twofold identity for the local people. […]

Picasso in the late 20’s 17.3.2007

Irmeli Hautamäki ”Picasso in the late 1920’s”. Vaatimaton ja tiukan asiallinen otsikko kertoi tuskin mitään maaliskuun alussa Berkeleyn yliopistossa pidetystä konferenssista. Koska paikalla olivat puhujina ja kommentaattoreina monet maan eturivin tutkijat kuten Benjamin Buchloch, Yve-Alain Bois ja Hal Foster, saattoi odottaa, että jokin uusi avaus Picasson taiteeseen oli tulossa. Konferenssin järjestäjä Berkeleyn taidehistorian professori T.J. […]

Picasso and American Painting 25.2.2007

Irmeli Hautamäki Kalifornian Berkeleyn yliopisto lyö leimansa San Franciscon näyttelyihin. SF MoMassa on 23.2. 2007 avautunut näyttely nimeltä Picasso and American Painting joka tarkastelee espanjalaisen mestarin vaikutusta amerikkalaisiin taiteilijoihin 1900- luvulla. Samasta aiheesta järjestetään ensi viikonloppuna 2. – 3. 3. taidehistoriallinen kollokvio jossa maan eturivin taiteen tutkijoiden odotetaan esiintyvän. Ensimmäinen kokouspäivä on avoin yleisölle, toinen […]

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