***Chanching Identities and Contexts in the Arts:*

*Art and Artistic Research Workshop at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts November 9-10, 2010*

The workshop is especially aimed at researchers and doctoral students specialising in Artistic and Art Research. On both days of the workshop the programme will consist of presentations by one keynote speaker and three doctoral students. The keynote speakers are curator, artist Tomas Träskman (Tuesday) and German contemporary artist Hito Steyerl (Wednesday). The other presenters are doctoral students from FAFA and the Universities of Gothenburg and Leeds. The workshop will be held in English and is open to anyone interested, but there is a limited amount of seats. Please sign up for the event by October 31, 2010.

The workshop is a part of the ”Changing Identities and Contexts in the Arts: Artistic Research as the New European Paradigm for the Arts” project (CICA) coordinated by the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts (FAFA). The other organisers of the project are the Community Relations and Development unit of the Finnish National Gallery, The University of Gothenburg, Göteborgs konsthall, The University of Leeds, the Henry Moore Institute and Project Space Leeds.

CICA examines artistic research and changes in the identity of the European artist. CICA is a two year project consisting of workshops, seminars and exhibitions organised in all of the participating countries. The results of the project will be gathered into a publication in the spring of 2012.

A more detailed programme of the workshop and additional information concerning the project will be available closer to the event at www.kuva.fi

Registration: minna.martikainen@kuva.fi

Location: Kuvataideakatemia, Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki

Information: minna.martikainen@kuva.fi , +358 50 447 7769

jan.kaila@kuva.fi <mailto:jan.kaila@kuva.fi>

With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union