

Categorically speaking, every tool and utensil that human beings have ever used is “technology”. Again, the root of the concept of art derives from notions of skill (like the Greek “tekhne”). In quite general terms, then, the two definitely share an intertwining prehistory and would be difficult to understand separately. However, discussions about art and […]



Jenna Jauhiainen We, the editors of this number, decided to work independently in commissioning texts. In retrospect I can say that I went after artists touched by the hard sciences, although rather unconsciously or at least accidentally. I began my search by asking a Lithuanian friend and artist Gabriele Gervickaite if she knew anyone from […]


My Collaboration with Bacteria for Paper Production

Text: Mindaugas Gapševi?ius I love the fact that human genomes can be found in only about 10 percent of all the cells that occupy the mundane space I call my body; the other 90 percent of the cells are filled with the genomes of bacteria, fungi, protists, and such, some of which play in a […]


Rewired – the Resurgence of Analog Sound Synthesis

Text: Janne Vanhanen Even a casual follower of the discourse around electronic or experimental music cannot have missed a phenomenon that could be called an “analog revival”. During the last few years there has been a notable increase in interest towards analog sound synthesis and its history. Alongside the established canon of post-war pioneers (the […]


The Rise of Vertical Films from Clumsy Accidents towards High Culture

Text: Tytti Rantanen In the 2010s, everyone is holding a smartphone. But most of us do not bother turning their hand in a horizontal position when filming a nephew playing the ukulele or a friend performing skateboard tricks. We share a video with an aspect ratio 9:16 – narrow and high. Vertical videos are part […]

Great Science for Great Arts & Great Arts for Great Science: A brief diary of an artist residency at CERN

Dating on @atlasexperiment detector A photo posted by @julijonas on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:18pm PDT Text and images: Julijonas Urbonas 2016 “Great Arts for Great Science”, says Arts@ CERN programme. It is so great and yet so responsible to be selected to represent Great Arts on behalf of Lithuania.(1) Even more dramatically such a […]


For the Love of Plants

Essi Kausalainen, Travelers, 2016, performance for Bildmuseet, Umeå. Text and Image: Essi Kausalainen Sometimes the things we are looking for appear in places and moments we least expect. One such case for me was meeting the researcher Uta Paszkowski of Cambridge University. When asking her, “What are your most important tools as a scientist?” the […]