Kalle Turakka-Purhonen
Länsiväylä is a Helsinki based and focused open art group. It was founded in 2007 with the car window washing happening Länsiväylä in Ruoholahti, Helsinki. The event has since become annual.
Länsiväylä’s second piece the Pyöräilykaista (Bike lane) was a more established one. It was done in co-operation with the Huuto-galleries and Kiasma’s urban theatre festival URB. In a warm August night in Kallio, Helsinki, more than two hundred bikers drove down Hämeentie, through colourful pools of paint. Their tires painted a much-wanted bike lane to that busy street of Helsinki.
The group Länsiväylä consists of artists, activists, journalists and researchers (and whoever is needed or wants to) who are interested in Helsinki. Working in the street feels both good and essential.
”Länsiväylä” will take place again in Ruoholahti in the beginning of December 2012.