Truth is concrete Camp in Graz, Austria

A 24/7 marathon camp on artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art.

21/09 – 28/09/2012, Graz

I would like to inform you about an open call for 100 Travel & accommodation grants for “Truth is concrete” A 24/7 marathon camp from 21/09 – 28/09/2012 in Graz, Austria.

We would be grateful if you could publish this open call in your mailinglist.
I’m looking forward to applications from Finland!

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards,
Johanna Rainer

Now online:
24/7 marathon camp / 21/09 – 28/09/2012

Johanna Rainer
Künstlerische Assistenz / Artistic Assistant

steirischer herbst
21/09 – 14/10/2012

Sackstraße 17 / 8010 Graz / Austria
m +43 664 2450085 / f +43 316 823 007 77