Place: Konsensus space, Nuorten toimintakeskus Happi (4th floor), Sörnäisten rantatie 31, 00500 Helsinki.
Time: 8th May 16:00 – 10th May 19:00
A participatory and collaborative workshop project led by Constanza Piña Pardo (Chile).
She will help participants develop small flying electro-acoustic transducers, mainly using waste material, to be used as communication system to share secrets in the public space.
During the workshop, the following questions will be considered: Are we free to express ourselves and share information in the public space? Are the new information and communication technologies secure and do they guarantee privacy to the users? From these questions, the group will think together about how our ‘secrets-sharing machine’ will be utilised. On the last day, the workshop will finish with the presentation of Constanza´s project somewhere nearby in public space.
Free to participate / No special skills required /Maximum 15 participants
The workshop is part of the CONTROL & SURVEILLANCE: THE MODERN PANOPTICON programme of events, curated by Jon Irigoyen, inside
Pixelache Festival:
Sign-up by Friday 7th May: Contact jonirigoyen [-at-] if you are interested to participate or have questions.
NB! This workshop and presentation takes place the week before Pixelache Festival. Welcome to spread the call for participation.