Teemu Mäki’s lectures on the Future of Art in Aalto Univeristy

Wellcome to a series of lectures, presentations & discussions:
Compulsory for the TaiK Fine Arts MA students (http://.uiah.fi/finearts/studies), but open to the whole of Aalto: http://http://.taik.fi/opiskelu/taikin_opiskelijoille/yhteinen_taide_ja_teoriaopetus/historia_ja_teoriaopetus.html / http://http://.taik.fi/en/studies_/information_for_taik_students/fine_art_studies/history_and_theory_.html

Professor TEEMU MÄKI & visitors

14 lectures/presentations with discussions about the future of art, about the relationship of art and society, about political art, about art and economy… …not tied to any single medium or genre. The lectures are 3 hours long, so as to give ample room for not only solitary monologue of the lecturer, but also for work samples and discussions.

By being present in at least 9 of these and keeping a lecture diary OR writing an essay (12 pages) you’ll get 5 ects.

If you in addition to that write another essay (12 pages), you*ll get altogether 10 ects.

If – in addition to the above mentioned – you also make substantial artworks, you’ll get 15 ects. These ’substantial artworks’ you can either make on your own or for example in one of the Contemporary Art Workshops / Nykytaiteen työpajat.

Doing the whole package is obligatory only for Fine Arts MA students.

To learn and understand various convictions about contemporary art’s definition, function and methods. Defining one’s own artistic conviction and learning to explain and justify that to others. Developing new and efficient artistic practices, for example methods that fluently appropriate scientific knowledge or journalistic tactics into artist’s toolbox and methods that make working in groups or collectives a viable option for those artists that traditionally have normally worked almost always alone.

The course is bilingual. The language of each lecture is usually decided only a minute before it starts, depending on how many of the students present can not understand Finnish. If the lecture is held in Finnish, the lecturer will provide an equivalent text in English, which can be downloaded from Onni (ask borje.helenius@taik.fi in in trouble).

(In Aalto University School of Art & Design, Hämeentie 135 C, 00560 Helsinki. 8. floor big lecture hall, unless otherwise noted. On Mondays, 12:00–15:00.)

Terike Haapoja: ”Mediums of Encounter: Nature Scientific Worldviews and New Technology in Art / Kohtaamisen teknologioita: taiteesta, tieteestä ja ympäristöetiikasta”. Haapoja (1974–) is a visual artist working with videos, installations and stage projects, characterized by the use of new media and scientific technologies. She is also a doctoral student in Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki. http://.terikehaapoja.net

Aapo Kustaa Korkeaoja: (no title yet), http://.culturecrisismanagement.org

1.2. (in ELO, Bunuel, basement of TaiK)
Screening of Andrey Tarkovsky’s (1932–1986) ”Stalker” (1976). The screened film is in Russian with Finnish subtitles. A version with English subtitles is available from Teemu Mäki, who will give a talk about the film after the screening, at 15:00. http://http://.filmref.com/directors/dirpages/tarkovsky.html

Teemu Mäki: ”What Is the Function of Art? / Mikä on taiteen tehtävä?” I’m (1967–) an artist – and Professor of Fine Arts (Doctor of Fine Arts) in the Department of Art, University of Art and Design / Aalto University) http://.teemumaki.com, http://http://.uiah.fi/finearts/english

Kalle Lampela: ”On the Autonomy of Art / Nykytaiteen itsemääräämisoikeudesta”. On autonomy of contemporary art – should it have it, and if not then whose needs should it cater to? Lampela (1973–) is an artist from Lapland, currently doing his Theodor Adorno / Hannah Arendt -based doctoral thesis in the University of Lapland, http://personal.inet.fi/taide/lampela.

Tero Nauha: (no title yet). Nauha (1970–) is a performance artist and draughtsman, plus a doctoral student in Theatre Academy Helsinki. http://.teronauha.com

Jussi Kivi: (no title yet). Kivi (1959–) is an artist, Ars Fennica award winner (2009) and the writer of the excellent book, Kaunotaiteellinen eräretkeilyopas, (Taide/Kuva 2004). His obsessions – it seems to me – include trekking, fire brigades, German romanticism and drawing. http://.arsfennica.fi/2009/kivi-fi.html

Pekka Kantonen: ”How Do Art and Reality Relate? / Taiteen ja todellisuuden suhteesta”, Kantonen (1955–) is an artist and doctoral student in Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki. He has – usually in collaboration with his wife, Lea Kantonen – worked extensively in the fields of video, performance, installation, community art and dialogical art.

Esa Kirkkopelto: (no title yet). Kirkkopelto (1965–) is a Theater Director, Doctor of Philosophy and the Professor of Artistic Research in Theater Academy Helsinki, http://.toisissatiloissa.net

Teemu Mäki: ”Should Freedom of Speech Be Limited? / Saako profeettaa pilkata?”

29.3. Annamari Vänskä & Heidi Lunabba: ”At the Crossroads of Art and Research / Taiteen ja tutkimuksen risteyskohdassa”. Vänskä (1970–) is an expert in visual culture, fashion and art. She is also a Post doctoral fellow at the University of Helsinki (Ph.D. in Art History at the University of Helsinki in 2006), curator and researcher, http://.annamarivanska.com

5.4. (Easter, no lecture / Pääsiäinen, ei luentoa)

Juha Varto: (untitled lecture), Varto (1949–) is a philosopher and professor of research of art (Department of Art, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Aalto University, http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juha_Varto)

Anita Seppä: ”Contemporary Art and Globalization / Nykytaide ja globalisaatio”. Seppä (1970–) is a researcher/theoretician (Ph.D., Docent in Art Education and Aesthetics, Helsinki University).

Teemu Mäki: ”Why Are Artists Poor? / Miksi taiteilijat ovat köyhiä?”A lecture + discussion on art & economy. + a screening of a perfect movie.