The Goethe-Institut has initiated a sponsorship award for young philosophers within the framework of
the XXII. German Congress of Philosophy. The prize will be awarded for the first time in Munich in
By offering this award for innovative next-generation philosophers, the Goethe-Institut seeks to
contribute to empowering philosophy as a field of activity in international cultural and educational
policy, and at the same time to clearly situate philosophy once again as a potential field of production
for societal orientation.
The focus for 2011 is on the area of Intercultural Philosophy: Postdocs addressing issues of
Intercultural Philosophy as outlined in what follows are encouraged to participate:
Universality vs. Relativity of Interpretations of Self and World - Opposition, Difference or Unity?
Conditions for Entry
Participation in the Goethe-Instituts philosophy contest is expressly not limited to German-speaking
philosophers. The prerequisite is the submission of a contribution in German or English that
formulates new philosophical approaches to the topic area outlined above, and/or offering the
prospect of initiating debates in an international context. Candidates should also demonstrate a clearcut
interest in international philosophical discourse, whereby a referencing of Germany or its presence
abroad in this context should be evident.
The Goethe-Institut has a fundamental interest in imparting science and scholarship to the public. It is
therefore desirable for philosophical impulses to be developed in ways that are as much aligned as
possible with actual practice in accordance with the perception of reality as living process.
Submission of Contributions
Contest contributions can be submitted through Monday, January 10 2011 to:
Frau Anja Riedeberger
Bereich 31 -Wissenschaft und Zeitgeschehen
Goethe-Institut, Zentrale München
Dachauer Str. 122
80637 München
Tel.: 089-15921-446
Fax: 089-15921-237
Your contribution should be no longer than 20 pages (47,000 characters), and fulfill internationally
accepted standards and requirements. You must also include a statement that your contribution was
authored independently by you and was composed using only those resources that you have listed
separately. Participants will receive a confirmation of receipt within a week of receipt in the Goethe-Institut Head
Selection from among the contributions submitted will be carried out by a jury chosen for this purpose.
Among the members are representatives of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Cologne, the
Advisory Council on Science and Current Affairs of the Goethe-Institut, and representatives of the
Goethe-Institut itself. The selection of the award winner for 2011 will be concluded by April 15 of the
same year.
The award consists of a total of 3000 ¬ earmarked as a subsidy for publication costs or project funding.
The Goethe-Institut must be expressly mentioned in the publication or in the context of the project.
An earmarked disbursal is not possible.
The chosen candidate will be invited to the XXII. German Congress on Philosophy in Munich at the
expense of the Goethe-Institut.
At the same time, the Goethe-Institut will endeavour to provide contacts with its institute branches
abroad, to the extent that programmes in the framework of the Federal Governments Department of
International Cultural and Educational Policy are planned there that intersect with the award winners
area of research.
Furthermore, the awardee will be given the option to register with the Alumniportal Germany
( for the purpose of securing and expanding contacts and
expertise and of using them for their personal and professional development (APD).
Alexandra Stang
Assistentin Kulturprogramm
Goethe-Institut Finnland
Mannerheimintie 20 A
Tel. +358 9 68035520
Fax +358 9 604377