below you can find the CFP to the Nordic Summer University (NSU) Summer Symposium 2016.
You can find a more detailed version of the event here:
Where: Orivesi, Finland (about 40 Km from Tampere)
When: 24.07-31.07.2016
More info about the Summer Symposium 2016 here:
NSU offers a number of grants and scholarships: Grants: 100 EUR (final price for the whole Summer Session)
Sholarships: 80 EUR (final price for the whole Summer Session)
Application for grant or scholarship must be send to the coordinators no later than 15 April 2016
For any questions about presentation, registration and NSU, please contact: or
CALL FOR Presentation 2016
Appearances of the Political in 20th century culture
We invite scholars, students, artists and practitioners to take part in investigating the many forms by which we experience the presences of political reality, and in approaching these forms from social, artistic, aesthetic and cultural analysis. We wish to articulate the ideological forces underlying today’s political thinking. We also want to inaugurate a debate on the role of cultural approaches in political analysis. We wish to break new paths in connecting the cultural humanities and the political sciences and invite participants to bravely explore new ways of studying the issue. We believe that experimentation is crucial for rethinking the political.
Theme of the symposium:
In this summer session we explore historical examples from the 20th century of how the political has appeared, both intentionally and unintentionally. Examples can be movements with explicit programs for forming the modern, or future, world such as Russian Constructivism, Modernist architectural program and sub- or countercultural movements. Examples can also be cultural forms that are unintentionally, or at least without an explicit awareness, appearances of political ideologies, such as urban planning, consumer culture and fashion.
Such historical examples can take many forms, like the transformation of personal appearances in dress and hair-style in the ’60s and ’70s displayed in the period’s fashion and anti-fashion, including specific styles like punk and fetishized expressions of the military forms of guerrilla soldiers and freedom fighters. Or, for instance, the cold war had many forms of political expressions in both Soviet ideas of political manifestations in ideological decorations as well as the organisation of build environments.
The examples are numerous in art, literature, design and fashion as well as in organisation of work, culture, communication and entertainment, and include explicit political actions in fights for rights (workers, women, and minorities), movements of liberation across the world, and of political struggles, as well as the implicit forms of oppression preserved through cultural exercised routines.
We encourage the participants to share analysis and criticism of concrete examples and discussions hereof or to share texts throwing light on the topic and offering platforms for critical discourses.
Please submit via email to the coordinators:
1. A written proposal (max. 350 words) with a title and descriptive subtitle. This text should include your presentation proposal, its format, its duration, and technology and/or facilities you may need.
2. A short bio (max. 100 words)
If you would like to attend the symposium without presenting, please email a short bio. Participants with presentations will be given priority.
The study circle provides a space for theoretical experimentation and the cross-fertilization of methodologies. It aims at developing insights that can be used in further research.
We invite you for a week of exchange and debates in an open environment of people with different backgrounds. Presentations are meant to be rather short, while space for discussions pursuing ideas are central for the circle and will be given considerate space during the week.
The deadline to submit proposals is 8 May, 2016. The preliminary program will be announced on May 15, 2016 on where you can also find more information about NSU and sign up for the newsletter.
NSU offers a number of grants and scholarships: Grants: 100 EUR
Sholarships: 80 EUR
Application for grant or scholarship must be send to the coordinators no later than 15 April
Notification for applicants is given 1 May.
Arrival: 24 July
Departure: 31 July
For any questions about presentation, registration and NSU, please contact: or
Corinna Casi
Nordic Summer University Board, Vice-chair
Responsible of NSU Study program and
NSU Summer Session 2016 in Finland
NSU Summer Session 24.-31.7.2016 in Orivesi, Finland
Where is Orivesi? Check here:
NSU webpage:
NSU Facebook page for the latest news