Anu Pennanen luennoi Kuvataideakatemiassa 3.3.2010

Anu Pennanen- Wednesday Lecture 3.3. 18.00-
Kaikukatu 4

Anu Pennanen is interested in the public space and its possibilities
to evoke shared narratives which momentarily escape the given
conditions of spatial organization, urban architecture and
modernization. She works collaboratively and site-specifically with
people, who in her films, photographs and other works mirror and
challenge the built environment. Anu Pennanen will discuss her
practice and its relation to the notion of co-existence of different
experiences and readings of modernism. Anu Pennanen has exhibited
internationally including the biennials Manifesta, Moscow, Liverpool
and Istanbul, and will have her first solo show in Finland in Cable
Factory Gallery this autumn. She lives Berlin, Germany and is
currently in Helsinki to edit her long-term film project realized in
Paris Les Halles transport complex.
