Avoin haku EAM UTOPIA konferenssin aiheiksi

Eurooppalaisen Modernismin ja Avantgarden tutkimuksen verkosto järjestää 4. konferenssin Helsingissä 2014 aiheena on UTOPIA.


”Modernismi ja avantgarde ovat murroksen taiteellista kieltä. Molemmat suuntautuivat traditionaalisia taiteen muotoja vastaan omaksuen usein antagonistisen asenteen yhteiskunnallisiin ja kulttuurin ja instituutioihin. Tämä konferenssi tutkii niitä utopistia vaihtoehtoja joita modernistiset ja avantgardistiset taiteilijat tarjosivat ”

Konferenssi pyytää ehdotuksia joissa tuodaan esiin avantgarden esittämiä vaihtoehtoja olemassa olevalle todellisuudelle: utopioita, kauhukuvia, unelmia, toiveita, myyttejä, dystopioita, kaupunkitiloja, politiikkaa tai antipolitiikkaa jne.

Suuren suosion saavuttanut EAM -verkosto on jatkoa pohjoismaiselle avantgarde tutkimusverkostolle. Se on koonnut tutkijoita yhteen yli tieteen rajojen. Ehdotuksia toivotaan kaikilta modernismia tai avantgardea koskevilta tutkimuksen ja taiteen aloilta mukaan lukein kuvataide, kirjallisuus, musiikki, arkkitehtuuri, elokuva, taiteelliset tai yhteiskunnalliset liikkeet, elämätapa, televisio, muoti, draama, performanssi, aktivismi, design ja teknologia.

Kun seuraava konferenssi järjestetään Suomessa toivoisimme suomalaisilta mahdollisimman monipuolista osallistumista.
Nyt voit vaikuttaa konferenssiin sisältöön tekemällä ehdotuksia konferenssin paneelien tai sessioiden aiheista syyskuun 2013 loppuun mennessä. Jos ehdottamasi aihe hyväksytään, pääset valitsemaan puhujia paneeleihin. Hyväksyttyjen aiheiden perusteella järjestetään avoin call for papers (marraskuu 11. 2013 – helmikuu 30 2014).

Tarkemmat ohjeet alla:

EAM Conference in Helsinki 2014, Call for Chairs

The fourth biennial conference of the European Network for Avant-garde
and Modernism Studies will be held at the University of Helsinki,
Finland, August 29-31 2014. The topic of the conference is


Modernism and Avant-gardism are artistic languages of rupture. Both
were directed against traditional ways of conceiving art, often
assuming an antagonistic position in relationship to existing cultural
and social institutions and relationships. This conference explores
the utopian alternatives which Modernist and avant-garde artists
offered to existing society. This was not always simply a question of
taking an outside position: for example, the Russian avant-garde was
co-opted by the early Soviet state in an uneasy – and temporary –
alliance to give birth to the New Man. The 2014 EAM conference in
Helsinki commemorates the centenary of the break-out of the First
World War by taking as its starting point the many utopian dreams
within European literature and arts as well as their collapse in the
face of the horrors of war. The effects of the War lasted throughout
the century, and the conference will also explore the utopian
dimensions of the neo-avant-garde, be it that of the West which
dreamed alternatives to conformism and consumer society, or of the
East which sheltered alternatives to socialist dystopia. We thus
invite proposals for contributions that deal with the alternatives
that modernism and the avant-garde offered to existing reality:
utopias; chimeras; dreams; abstractions; desires; myths; dystopias;
cityscapes or impossible landscapes; politics or anti-politics; the
body freed or harnessed; erotic or amatorial liberation; the retreat
into private worlds or the mapping of bold alternatives; the avant-
garde as alternative to or embodiment of the state; the utopian moment
in the nihilistic or rebarbative art-work. We welcome contributions
across all areas of avant-garde and modernist research or practice:
art, literature, music, architecture, film, artistic and social
movements, lifestyle, television, fashion, drama, performance,
activism, design and technology.

Conference convenors and the EAM network chairs:

Prof. David Ayers
University of Kent, UK

Dr. Marja Härmänmaa
University of Helsinki, Finland

EAM-web page: www.eam-europe.be

For all the enquiries about the conference, please contact us after
August 1: eam-2014@helsinki.fi

Call for proposals

You may submit a proposal as a CHAIR or as an INDIVIDUAL. There are
three different kinds of panel.

1) An OPEN PANEL consists of a CHAIR and 3-8 speakers. The CHAIR
proposes the topic. Once the topic is accepted it is advertised as
part of the cfp and individuals may apply to join the panel. The CHAIR
decides which papers are accepted. Those individual proposals which
are rejected are considered by the conference organizers for inclusion
in other panels. Doctoral students may apply to an open panel.
2) A CLOSED PANEL consists of THREE or (exceptionally) FOUR speakers.
One of the speakers is the CHAIR who makes the submission and supplies
the details and proposals of all of the proposed participants. A
closed panel may include no more than two doctoral students.
3) A PEER SEMINAR has a CHAIR who proposes a topic and up to 12
participants. Once the topic is accepted it is advertised as part of
the cfp and individuals may apply to join the seminar. The
participants circulate short position papers (2000 words) one month
before the seminar. The papers are discussed at the seminar. There is
NO audience at the peer seminar which is closed to the rest of the
conference. Doctoral students may apply to participate in a seminar
and this can be a good way to get accepted to the conference for
people whose work is at an early stage.

Therefore there are several ways to make a proposal to the conference:

1) you may propose to be the CHAIR of an OPEN PANEL [by September 30th
2) you may propose to be the CHAIR of a PEER SEMINAR [by September
30th 2013]
3) you may propose to be the CHAIR of a CLOSED PANEL [November 1st –
January 30th]
4) you may submit an INDIVIDUAL PROPOSAL to join an OPEN PANEL
[November 1st – January 30th]
5) you may submit an INDIVIDUAL PROPOSAL to a PEER SEMINAR [November
1st – January 30th]
6) you may submit an INDIVIDUAL PROPOSAL without specifying a panel
and the organisers will assign your paper to a panel if accepted.
[November 1st – January 30th]
You may apply by only ONE of these methods except that the CHAIR of a
PEER SEMINAR may also be included as member of a CLOSED PANEL or may
submit an individual proposal under (4) or (6).

Call for chairs

Those who are interested in acting as CHAIR of an OPEN PANEL or of a
PEER SEMINAR in the Helsinki conference, are invited to submit a
proposal to eam-2014@helsinki.fi by September 30, 2013. The proposal
should include a brief presentation of the panel of approximately 150
words, the title of the panel, a short biodata of the chair(s), title,
contact information, and the affiliation. Once the OPEN PANEL or PEER
SEMINAR has been accepted, it will feature in the general call for
papers and individuals may make a proposal to the chair who will
select participants. Individuals whose proposal to a Panel is rejected
will be considered for inclusion elsewhere in the conference by the
scientific committee.
The list of the OPEN PANELS and PEER SEMINARS will be published on the
conference web pages by the end of October.
The general call for papers of the conference is November 1 – January
30. Further information will be available in September on the EAM web
page. In the general call for papers we will be accepting proposals
for CLOSED PANELS, and individual proposals to join the listed OPEN
PANELS and PEER SEMINARS. Individuals will also be allowed to send a
proposal to the conference as a whole and the Scientific Committee
will assign the paper to a panel, if accepted.
The participants will be informed about the acceptance of the papers
by February 30.
The official languages of the conference are English, French and
German. Both papers and entire panels are accepted in all the three

The scientific committee of the EAM 2014 conference:

Professor Henry Bacon, University of Helsinki / Professor Natalia
Baschmakoff, University of Eastern Finland / Dr. Irmeli Hautamäki, University of Helsinki, Univeristy of Jyväskylä/ Professor Tomi Huttunen, University of Helsinki / Dr. Timo Kaitaro, University of Helsinki / Dr. Janna Kantola, University of Helsinki/ / Professor Pirjo Lyytikäinen, University of Helsinki / Dr. Riikka Rossi, University of Helsinki / Professor Pekka Pesonen,
University of Helsinki / Professor Kirsi Saarikangas, University of Helsinki / Professor Riikka Stewen, Academy of Fine Arts / ProfessorHarri Veivo, University of New Sorbonne / University of Helsinki

Tervetuloa Helsinkiin! – Varmt välkommen till Helsingfors! –
Добро пожаловать в Хельсинки! – Welcome to
Helsinki! – Bienvenu à Helsinki – Hertzlich willkommen nach
Helsinki – Benvenuti a Helsinki! – Bienvenidos a Helsinki! – Tere
tulemast Helsingisse! – Zapraszamy do Helsinek! –
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελσίνκι!