Nomadic Academy is starting a new series of free educational events under the
The 1st event happens on 30. 07. 2013 under the title “Dziga Vertov Group and
the Political Film Collectives”. Event will start at 12:00 clock and will last
until late night. Event is free of charge. There will be screenings of 4 – 5
Dziga Vertov Group (Jean-Luc Godard and Pierre Gorin) films made between
1967-1970 with English subtitles.
Apart from these discussions there will be also short presentations each lasting
20 minute related to the issue:
Eetu Viren will talk about communistic perception in Dziga Vertov films in
relation to transformed conceptualisation of spatiality and temporality after
the October Revolution.
Following Louis Althusser’s theses on overdetermination by contradictions,
Sezgin Boynik will talk about influence of Marxist theories to Dziga Vertov
Group’s film-form; particularly he will focus on the epistemological concept of
break as condition for political film making.
Petra Bauer will present publication “Working Together: Notes on British Film
Collectives in the 1970s” which she co-edited with Dan Kidner, that deals with
the issues of collective film making as oppositional strategy of avant-garde
political cinema.
Kari Yli-Annala will chair the event and talk about the importance of Dziga
Vertov Group in political avant-garde film history.
Also during the event, which will last about ten hours (+ two hours of
supplementary time for talking & sauna), foods and refreshments
will be served. Guests are also encouraged to bring their own foods and drinks.
The connection boat to Harakka island goes from Ullanlinna pier near Cafe Ursula
in Kaivopuisto every half an hour or in every 20 minutes. The sign for the boat
in the end of the pier has to be lifted up for the boat.
Return ticket costs 4 euros (in cash).
Unfortunately no dogs are allowed in Harakka.