Seminaari Taiteellisista prosesseista 26.- 27.11 09

Seminaari Kuvataideakatemian auditoriossa 26.-27.11. 2009.

Luennoille / puheenvuoroille on varattu aikaa noin 45 minuuttia, jonka jälkeen 15 min. keskustelu.

Tilaisuuteen on vapaa pääsy.


Torstai 26.11.

Klo 10-11 Dos., tutkijatohtori (Suomen Akatemia) Atte Oksanen:

”Luova prosessi ja minuus: sosiaalipsykologisia lentoonlähtöjä”

Klo 11.-12 Taidehistorioitsija Juha-Heikki Tihinen & kuvataiteilija Janne Räisänen


Klo 13.-14 Akatemiatutkija, dosentti Päivi Mehtonen:

”Taiteesta vaikeneminen: hiljeneekö taide kun taiteilija puhuu?”

Klo 14- 15 Runoilija Olli Sinivaara

Klo 15-16 Kuvataiteilija Jukka Rusanen

Perjantai 27.11.

Klo 10-12Kuvataiteilija Tacita Dean:
”Reflections of Objective Chance – Tacita Dean in dialogue with Jan Svenungsson”
Katso liite.


Klo 13-14 Kasvatustieteen professori emeritus Kari Uusikylä:

”Kuvataiteilijan luova prosessi: taivaallista iloa vai helvetillistä tuskaa?”

Klo 14-15 Taidemaalari Markus Konttinen

Klo 15-16 Kuvataiteilija, kuvataideterapeutti Liisa Pesonen:

”Taiteellisista prosesseista”

”Reflections of Objective Chance – Tacita Dean in dialogue with Jan Svenungsson

Tacita Dean is one of Britain’s most celebrated contemporary artists. Her major retrospective at Basel’s Schaulager in 2006 was called “Analogue,” a typical title for an artist who, in an era of dominant digital technology, employs 16mm film as her principal medium. Film, with its fragility, technical complexity, and threat of obsolescence, aligns with her preferred subjects as well: Dean is fascinated by the passage of time, and by how relevance, importance, and even truth can disappear with the ticking of a clock. Her work, which also includes still images in different techniques, is often based on found objects and chance encounters and has been discussed in relation to the surrealist notion of ”objective chance”. Tacita is fascinated by human frailty (evident in her poignant film portrait of Italian artist Mario Merz, made shortly before his death in 2003) and also by folly and the vainglorious. One of her best-known works, Disappearance at Sea I (1996), refers to the story of the tragic amateur yachtsman Donald Crowhurst, who attempted (and failed) to win, through careful timing and fastidious false log-keeping, first prize in a round-the-world race without ever leaving the Atlantic.

Dean, who was born in Canterbury in 1965 and trained originally as a painter, has enjoyed enormous critical success. Disappearance at Sea I won her a Turner Prize nomination in 1998, when she also had a solo show at Philadelphia’s Institute of Contemporary Art. In 2001 she had another at Tate Britain, and in 2006 she won the Hugo Boss Prize and the attendant solo show at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Since 2000 she has lived and worked in Berlin, where the architectural relics of the collapsed communist regime have clearly struck a sympathetic chord, appearing in films such as Fernsehturm (2001) and Palast (2004).

One of her latest work is a six-screen film installation, Merce Cunningham performs STILLNESS (in three movements) to John Cage’s composition 4’33” with Trevor Carlson, New York City, 28 April 2007. In it Cunningham performs a new choreography — sitting still in a chair — to Cage’s infamous silent piece, 4’33” (1952). Three months later Merce Cunningham passed away.

Throughout her career, Dean has placed great importance on the written and spoken word. This is reflected in the narrative content of earlier works and her own, extensive writings. Tacita Dean has written short texts to go with all her major works.

During 2009 Tacita Dean has had major solo exhibitions at Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Germany; Musée d’art contemporain in Montreal, Canada; ACCA in Melbourne, Australia; Fondazione Nicola Trussardi/Palazzo Dugnani in Milan, Italy and Marian Goodman Gallery in New York.

The appearance at Kuva is Tacita Dean’s first ever visit to Finland.

Henri Wegelius
Amanuenssi / amanuensis
Kuvataideakatemia / Finnish Academy of Fine Arts
Jatkotutkinto-osasto / Postgraduate department
Kaikukatu 4, FI-00530 Helsinki
gsm +358 45 6578 656, tel +358 9 680 33 234