Introduction to the audiovisual underground movement.
Place: Auditorium of Finnish Academy of Fine Arts (Kaikukatu 4)
Thursday 23.10.2008
14.00 Jarkko Räsänen: Opening words
14.15 Pilvari Pirtola: Historical overview on demoscene
16.30 Kosmoplovci (Serbia): Demo group presentation
18.00 MFX: Demo group presentation
19.00 Droid: VJ-tool presentation
Friday 24.10.2008
14.00 Tuomas Niinimäki: Media richness in demos
15.00 Inward (Russia): Demo group presentation
16.30 Viznut (Finland): Demoscene artist presentation
18.00 Ps(Portugal): Demoscene artist resentation
Changes possible.
Friday – Sunday 24.-26.10.2008
Alternative Party at Merikaapelihalli of Cable Factory (Tallberginkatu 1 D,
Helsinki). SPECIAL PRICE FOR KUVA STUDENTS (see the following email for
details). The seminar is arranged in collaboration with the Alternative Party