Regulated Liberties. Negotiating Freedom in Art, Culture and Media 1st
Rethinking Art Studies (REARS) conference in Turku, August 20-22, 2009.
Regulated Liberties is an international and interdisciplinary conference
organized by the School of Art Studies at the University of Turku in the end
of August.
The conference is dedicated to rethinking cultural power in new inventive
ways not based on a dichotomous logic of domination and resistance. The aim
of the conference is to relate art, culture and media to questions
concerning freedom, emancipation and resistance. The overall conference
topic disperses on the theoretical fields of subjectivity, social
structures, and representation. The conference provides a forum for the
development of innovative and creative research concerning temporal/spatial
dimensions, genres and identity production in art, culture and media.
International keynote speakers
The conference offers three days of scientific program with four
international keynote lecturers. Angela McRobbie, a British cultural
theorist and commentator, has been very influential for developing feminist
approaches in cultural studies. Philosopher and political theorist Brian
Massumi’s work has been notable in the field of media theory and visual
culture. Bracha L. Ettinger is a prominent contemporary artist and a
groundbreaking theoretician working at the intersection of feminine
sexuality, psychoanalysis, and aesthetics. Colin B. Grant is specialized in the philosophy of communication.
The organizing committee got plenty of abstract proposals of high quality
and almost hundred speakers are accepted to the conference from Europe,
Northern America and Asia. Their papers concern topics such as the politics
of representations, the relationship between art, cultural policy and
neoliberalism, and the connection of art and activism.
The program is available at the website where you can register as a
participant by June 17th. If you are interested in participating as a
speaker it is still possible to propose an abstract by May 14th.
More information: Taija Kyheröinen
Conference secretary
+ 358 44 588 7708